Shamanic Light Language Soul Retrieval
Service Description
Soul retrieval is an ancient practice in which soul fragments that have become detached, due to trauma and grief are retrieved and then re-integrated into one's soul body. Soul retrieval is guided by an experienced shaman/healer through the process of bringing the lost soul back. The shaman will reach an altered state of consciousness, go into the unseen realms of spirit, find the soul, and then begin to address whatever it is that caused the soul to fragment. From there, they'll bring the soul back into this plane. Light Language will also be incorporated into your ceremony to connect with our ancestors, ascended masters, and great spirit. What is Light Language? Light Language can connect you to higher realms, higher vibrational beings, spirit guides, and multi-dimensional or extra-terrestrial Languages. It connects you to the Spirit, God, or the Univeral frequency. Light Language can connect you to your Higher Self, and connect you to nature or elemental beings. It bypasses the analytical human mind so that you can truly connect and activate knowledge from your Higher Self. It brings Light Codes to assist our healing on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level. This Multidimensional Language restores you on all levels and can heal the etheric level of the body. Light Language heals and can add higher frequencies to a person’s DNA. It can heal cellular memory and even help with working with the Akashic Records. Light Language connects you with your Higher Knowledge to bring in healing you have worked with before, in a past life where you were a higher vibrational being. You can use this recall for healing and transformation for yourself and others.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours before your appointment or class at 610-689-3999. Pre-payments can be adjusted to a new appointment or a different class/workshop when you call 24 hrs. beforehand. No deposit refunds for No Call/No Show. If you paid in total for a class or workshop and were a No Call/No Show AND call within seven days, you can be credited the amount paid towards another class, workshop, or event by the same facilitator. EXCEPT For Appointments with Kimberly Ule. There will be no refunds on no calls/no shows. LaLuna Sol Healing Circle is paid for ahead of class at lalunasolhealingspace.com
Contact Details
1056 Old Swede Rd, Douglassville, PA 19518, USA